Cutler Bay and Homestead Martial arts FAQ

Welcome to our Cutler Bay and Homestead Martial arts FAQ section, here you will find answers to questions we have been asked before.
Our Cutler Bay and Homestead Martial arts FAQ is a collection of the most frequent questions we have been asked during all the years we have been here. If you don’t

Do martial arts make my kid violent?
Of course not
This is probably the most FAQ we’ve had. Absolutely not! We don’t teach kids how to kick and punch so they can go down the street and beat up the neighbor’s kid.
Instead, we teach kids self-defense as both a tool for personal growth and development.
Children learn to treat others as they want to be treated. They learn to respect all living things – from both their parents and pets.
Often, kids who were violent before they joined our class changed, and became non-violent. So no, martial arts won’t make your child violent!
What if my child's not athletic? Will he have a hard time?
Absolutely not
Often children who don’t find success in team sports come to martial arts. And they love it.
That’s because with martial arts you go at your own pace.
See, team sports actually harm the self-esteem of children who aren’t very athletic. When they don’t perform well, the other kids can be pretty nasty. And this can leave some serious scars on their self-esteem.
But with martial arts, they can’t let anyone down. Everyone goes at their own pace. Also, some kids learn quicker than others – but the children who advance quickly are not valued more than the kids who advance slowly.
Everyone is greatly encouraged – regardless of his or her athletic level
Will my child learn a talent that they can be proud of?
In fact, very proud
Many children find pride in being able to do “cool” things like dancing, juggling, singing, playing an instrument, etc.
I’ve seen many kids enter talent shows, and show off their martial arts skills. The crowd is blown away every time!
There’s simply something both fascinating and exciting about watching martial arts. And your child will certainly take great pride in his abilities.
What age is appropriate for martial arts?
About 4 years of age
We have programs for kids who are 4 years old all the way to teenagers. We even have programs for adults.
So to be honest – every age is appropriate. No one is too young or too old. We have a class that fits just right.
Is there a chance for my child to get hurt?
Technically yes
Have children gotten injured in my martial arts class? Yes, some have. But actually the injuries were no different than those which kids who play baseball and other sports get.
Quoting the words of a parent I recently spoke with, “The instructors pay attention to detail when it comes to safety.”
From padded floors, to proper gear, to step-by- step instruction – we do everything in our power to insure your child’s safety. I can’t guarantee your child won’t be injured – but I can tell you that almost no children receive injuries while being in my program.
And that’s because we take your child’s safety very seriously.
Will my child have fun and want to stick with the program?
Yes, very much
When parents take their kids to appointments – normally the parent has to run around and do everything in their power to get their children to the appointment on time.
“Hurry up!” they shout, “We’ll be late!”
(How many times have you said this?)
But with martial arts, something fascinating happens… Often the children are the ones yelling these things! They don’t want to be late, and they never want to miss a class.
In fact, I know of many parents who use martial arts as an incentive to get chores done. If the kids are good, do their chores, and do their homework – they get martial arts as a reward.
That’s because your child will have a ton of fun. He’ll be both laughing and smiling throughout the entire class. And because He’ll constantly be setting and reaching goals – He’ll want to stick with the program.
It will become a part of his life as if it was always there.
Are martial arts just for boys or can my girl take martial arts too?
Sure, everybody is welcomed!
On this Homestead’s Martial arts FAQ page I’ve said “he” a lot. But the truth is, there are just as many girls in many of our classes as there are boys.
Girls love martial arts just as much, and get the same fulfillment out of it as boys do.
Also, if I’ve learned anything in my years of teaching, its that girls are just as tough as boys. Many are even tougher!
Why is Martial Arts good for children?
Many parents put their children in martial arts classes as a fun and positive after-school activity that teaches them valuable lessons and works off their energy. More than just a respite for working parents, martial arts can be a vital part of a child’s life, teaching values and instilling upstanding character traits that carry over into adulthood as a result.
Here we explore the many reasons martial arts are good for children—and why you might want to consider enrolling your child in martial arts classes.
Children in a martial arts class have to learn the material and learn how to do it correctly; there is certainly an amount of emphasis on refinement of material learned in all martial arts schools. To do all this, the child must concentrate and be very aware of what he or she is doing. Practicing martial arts naturally drives students to concentrate in order to learn and perform. Obviously, this is good for everyday life because focus is required for pretty much all types of activities. As a person reaches adulthood, and they must work at a job, drive a car, or study in college, the ability to focus proves to be an invaluable skill. As a result, martial arts can be the foundation for this ability.
Self Esteem & Confidence
The better the student is able to concentrate and learn, and the more aware they are, the more confident they feel and the more they feel good about themselves. They are excelling and working on themselves and for themselves and have learned how to work hard to achieve their goals. While training they are staying physically fit, using their minds, and associating with respectful and caring people and friends. They are working hard for themselves, which means they see their own worth, and they are doing it with helpful friends in a supportive environment, which further boosts their confidence.
Discipline & Patience
It takes time, focus, and a lot of work as well to reach your goals in martial arts or any other endeavor. Martial arts classes are a miniature version of the world, in which you concentrate your efforts to achieve your goals. The student learns to work hard, concentrate, and also patiently learn their lessons until they eventually excel after they’ve put in the work that it takes to get really good at martial arts. The lesson is that both patience and hard work pay off and are also good for you and, in many ways, good for everyone around you.
School work & Grades
As stated, kids taking martial arts classes learn self-discipline and focus, learn to be patient, and learn the value of work as well. This carries over into other aspects of their lives, including how they perform in school. They begin to see the value of really putting themselves into what they need to do and how it can result in something that is surely really good for them.
Essentially, martial arts teaches kids how to direct their energy in a positive way while also making them more self-aware and teaching them how to work well with others. They must cooperate with fellow students and their teachers as they learn to work hard for themselves. By both reaching their goals and excelling at an art, students gain skills that translate well into many walks of life. These life skills carry over into their everyday lives as their grades improve, they socialize in constructive ways, and they also have respect for others. Martial arts are an excellent avenue for improving the character of children and giving them the skills that will certainly last a lifetime
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