What is TUFF Martial Arts?

What is TUFF Martial Arts?
What is TUFF Martial Arts?

TUFF Martial Arts is a family owned business and a great martial arts school in Cutler Bay and Homestead, that has been serving the local community since 2015. During this time we have specialized in teaching Taekwondo and life skills to children 3 years of age and up.

All of our instructors, coaches and Masters at TUFF Martial Arts Academy, have a diverse background of teaching martial arts. Above all, we help building and fortifying self confidence, focusing on character building and working with special needs students.

At TUFF we are all unified in our approach of desiring every student to understand the importance of Taekwondo. Because of that, we teach the 5 main tenets of Taekwondo – Courtesy, Integrity, Self Control, Perseverance and Indomitable Spirit. In other words, our students grow into self confident, respectful and responsible adult members of our community.

What do we teach?

In this great martial arts school in Cutler Bay and Homestead we teach Taekwondo, which is a Korean traditional martial art that teaches more than physical fighting skills. Mainly because it is a discipline that teaches ways of enhancing our lives through training our body and mind. 

Similarly, we teach social skills, in short, we help develop character in children, firstly because we are contributing to society. Secondly, because we strongly believe in the benefits of Taekwondo, and moreover, its philosophy.  

Taekwondo has become a global sport, and as a result, it stands among the official games in the Olympics. “Tae” means techniques of the foot, because of the kicking. “Kwon” means the techniques of the hand, because of the punches, strikes, and blocks. “Do” means the art and manner of life, because of the philosophy.

Our style today is similar around the world, specially oriental countries like Korea, Japan and China. In the course of its evolution Taekwondo has gained many different styles, but most importantly, they share the same principles.

Taekwondo can be characterized by unity, to clarify, the unity of body, mind, life, and the unity of the pose. Make your mind peaceful and synchronize your mind with your movements, therefore, extending this harmony to life and societyIn conclusion, this is how the principle of physical movements, the principle of mind training, and the principle of life become one.

To sum up, Taekwondo is good for everyone, but, most importantly, in children. Because they are still developing. 

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